They have no armor. Some of the moments I feel most alive is connecting to another humans' heart. With children this is EASY! No face or image management from them. You just get to know them. Many times their entire BODIES communicate their feelings. Toddler tantrum: case and point. Or a more delightful example, most 3 years olds can't say butterfly or bird with out flying around in excitement. Isn't it delightful to watch a toddler bounce up and down as they enjoy their favorite food? And, they can't wait to be known, to be seen, to be loved. I think most adults feel the same way they just have 735 pounds of armor on to prevent this from happening. A precious gift it is to have a friend that doesn't mind unloading all 735 pounds of armor to been seen, known, and heard. I always feel these are such holy moments. But, children they are always ready for this moment.
Both of these reasons compel me to start a blog. I love children. I love connecting. I love sharing about the highs and lows of mothering my precious children!
I am loving reading your blog!