On our drive home from the beach, Steve and I were dusting off our "family vision statement" and having a healthy discussion about where we are and where we want to head as a family. We were first prompted to write a vision statement a few years ago through a Family Mentoring Class at our church. During the class we were asked to read, "What is a Family" by Edith Schaeffer. I loved this book because I starve for older, more experienced moms from which to learn mothering wisdom. Reading (then re-reading) this book provides the sort of wisdom I am yearning for.
I am so easily distracted. You know the old adage, "you can't see the forest for the trees expression"?
That is ME. All I see are trees, and snakes and sticks and dirt... I am so distracted by the small things, the scary things, the emergencies that Lord knows I am most definitely NOT seeing a forest.
Of course, by sticks and snakes and trees I mean tantrums, laundry, picking up the crayons and markers and making dinner for like the 7th time this week (for the 5,000th week in a row)! But with an eye toward heaven and with both knees on the floor, I just take it by PURE faith that there is indeed a forest out there.
I love Edith's beautiful and wise Christ centered view of family. She helps me to see the forest. She paints beautiful metaphors about family that make me step away from the sticks, the dirt, the snakes, the poison ivy, the tantrums, the illnesses, the bedtimes, the chores, the, the, the .... and see the beautiful breathtaking forest. I so need that.
We landed on these guideposts:
1) Growing in truth, wisdom and character from the Holy Bible
2) Create a respectful, peaceful, and encouraging home
3) Foster a Love of Learning
4) Loving others through SERVICE
5) FUN!
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