Tuesday, July 28, 2015

One of my happy places!

Doesn't this picture make you want to take your child to the library?  I must say you don't even know how happy this picture makes me.  First and most important, I have been seriously working on Zeke's ability to smile in a picture.  He truly enjoys pretending to not notice group pictures are being taken and tries to sabotage them for attention.  I needed a proactive plan or else I would not have the pictures my 'Mom' heart longs for.  I have been jokingly giving him "smiling instructions" which is a fun way to giggle and give him attention. Today after we spelled all his names (his request) and his nickname on the library letter magnet wall, I asked him to smile for a picture and he obliged!!  I died from happiness.  And, then was quickly brought back to life when I realized Zayden was taking books off the library shelf one by one and replacing them wherever he felt they needed to return. Again.  It is a good thing Zeke looks so ridiculously ADORABLE in this picture because the battle he gave me to carry his fine waiver card in HIS WALLET almost broke me during our checkout process.

 They have a great selection of puzzles!  And, I am not in charge of organizing them.  That is the best part really.  

This picture is not from the library at all.  It's a Christmas present box I re-purposed into a crayon box.  It is my favorite picture I have ever taken.  It fits in a way I just can't explain right at this moment.  Just trust me.   

Let's be real.  The library can be very stressful.  There are people that shush you.  There are lots of things toddlers and preschoolers CAN NOT grab and in general it is a very quiet place and most children I have met are not very quiet people.  Each season presents new challenges on having a joyful library time with my kids. The struggle is real but it is really worth it.  I thought it would be fun to share some of the scoop.  I know I am just scratching the surface of the library and I think most of us agree it is an underutilized FREE tool!  This past "school" year we went most every Tuesday and it was one of my favorite parts of our school year rhythm.

Things I love about the library (besides the books):

1) Programs!  

The storytimes are FANTASTIC and I often get inspiration for songs and books to enjoy at home!  

The Summer Reading Program is a fantastic way to READ DOWN YOUR FINES.  With 8 of us checking out books, if we are just 1 day late it can be EXPENSIVE.  Did you know that you can read down your fines?  We have already earned about $50 worth of fine waiver cards this summer!  Sign up EVERYONE in your family for summer reading today!  Even adults can earn fine waivers.

2) Volunteer Opportunities -You can "adopt a shelf" to organize.  Kids can organize a section and log volunteer hours.  It is a great chance for a child to do meaningful work.  I know my kids would much rather be in charge of a section to alphabetize then do an alphabetical order worksheet.  And, they get to practice service!  And, they discover new books they would not normally pick.  I was blown away at the books that Zach would bring home from the library this year after he would serve an an organizer.   Books that cover a myriad of science and history topics; that he was interested in just from spotting them while he brought order to his ISLE.  

The day I saw the personal signs for this I was on a LIBRARY HIGH.  Until I realized that Zeke, Zadie and Zayden were running around crazy and re-arranging isles.  Highs and lows of motherhood are brutal.

3)  AUDIO BOOKS!  With 6 kids I am RUTHLESS about finding "low effort high impact" stuff. Audio books are huge for us.  We do them in the car and at room time.  The library has a HUGE inventory of playaways.  They are smaller then a mobile phone and you plug in headphones or speakers and you have a great book on audio. Preschoolers feel so BIG having their own audio version of "Giraffes can't dance" or "Winnie the Pooh".  

I made Zoe pose for this picture because I really want more pix on my blog!  I have this idea that it will make my blog more legitimate.  And, she so enjoyed the audio book that she is still listening to it now and coloring.  Score!

We also are JUST getting acquainted with Overdrive, another source for audio books through the Charlotte Mecklenburg website.  Zoe has listened to Alice in Wonderland and Anne of Avonlea on it.  How great to have FREE audio classics available!  And, I know we are just scratching the service of what is available.  Hoopla is also available through Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.  I would guess any local library is providing similar options.  

Monday, July 27, 2015

Reason #128 why I love children...

They dance in the rain.  They find the fun.  They are DRAWN to it.  All children are.  The world is their oyster and they do all they can to enjoy it!  They soak in the wonder and delight in every precious small and big gift.  I want to be more like them when I grow up.

Let me back up a bit.  After dinner, I was sitting on the porch and reflecting on the true real LEGITIMATE STRUGGLE of the day.  Multiple meltdowns during room time at the same time; while I prayed to God they wouldn't wake Zayden. Dinner seems like it should be a WHOLE other post.  But, I will just jam pack this one.  I made a new recipe.  Brunswick Stew!  I felt so resourceful using up the leftover rice and barbecue and homemade salsa.  I was officially giving myself an award in my head for being very homemakery.  Half my Z's ate it.  Zayden and Zach even had seconds and Steve loved it!  And, it was low calorie!  But, Zane, Zadie and Zeke...  I don't want to talk about it. Actually I am lying.  I completely and totally want to talk about it.  Let me give you a few quotes from dinner where I tried very hard to be a grown up but actually failed...

"Zane if you were playing me a drum song and I covered my ears in disgust and every so often let my hands off my ears to hear one second only to recover my ears, would that be kind!!??"

"Zadie if you colored me a picture and I wouldn't even take the time to glance at the picture..."

Well, I am sure you can imagine.  The words might have been okay but my heart... my tone was REVENGE, ANGER...  My children always show me who I really am.  Anyways.  Stressful but wonderful dinner.  And, other surprise stressers from the day that I was not handling great.  I went to the porch to relax while Steve directed after dinner chores.  

And, the rain starts.  I am contemplating crying.  And, then Zadie comes out the door followed by all the other Z's and they start dancing and playing in the rain.  Pure JOY!  

They danced, raced, and played.  And, I felt my heart soften.  At one point I found such humor in them riding bikes and scooters BAREFOOT but with a helmet!  We care about brains not feet in the Wagner household apparently.  And, then the rain stopped.  We talked about that God brought us the perfect sprayground but it was over and Zeke raced to the garage to grab a watergun and yelled, "I can make Mo RAIN!"  

And, now I have to go and do all the wet laundry!

PS- The cutest rain song I have ever heard for preschoolers is:  "If all of the raindrops" on the "Songs for Wiggleworms" album!  You can't listen to it without smiling and dancing!  DO NOT get the barney version you will pass out from disgust and annoyance.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Family Vision

On our drive home from the beach, Steve and I were dusting off our "family vision statement" and having a healthy discussion about where we are and where we want to head as a family.  We were first prompted to write a vision statement a few years ago through a Family Mentoring Class at our church. During the class we were asked to read, "What is a Family" by Edith Schaeffer. I loved this book because I starve for older, more experienced moms from which to learn mothering wisdom. Reading (then re-reading) this book provides the sort of wisdom I am yearning for.

I am so easily distracted.  You know the old adage, "you can't see the forest for the trees expression"?
That is ME.  All I see are trees, and snakes and sticks and dirt... I am so distracted by the small things, the scary things, the emergencies that Lord knows I am most definitely NOT seeing a forest.

Of course, by sticks and snakes and trees I mean tantrums, laundry, picking up the crayons and markers and making dinner for like the 7th time this week (for the 5,000th week in a row)!  But with an eye toward heaven and with both knees on the floor, I just take it by PURE faith that there is indeed a forest out there.

I love Edith's beautiful and wise Christ centered view of family. She helps me to see the forest.  She paints beautiful metaphors about family that make me step away from the sticks, the dirt, the snakes, the poison ivy, the tantrums, the illnesses, the bedtimes, the chores, the, the, the .... and see the beautiful breathtaking forest.  I so need that.

We landed on these guideposts:
1) Growing in truth, wisdom and character from the Holy Bible
2) Create a respectful, peaceful, and encouraging home
3) Foster a Love of Learning
4) Loving others through SERVICE
5) FUN!